CopyRight2 ENTERPRISE Edition
(Unlimited Server/NAS Activations)
CopyRight2 lets you easily migrate network shares, files, folders, permissions, groups and user accounts (even with passwords) from source to target (server or network attached storage). [more]
This perpetual license allows unlimited activations of servers and NAS systems in support of your company-wide business operations.
The CopyRight2 Enterprise Edition includes 5,000 one-time client migration licenses that can be used to migrate Windows® computers and locally stored user profiles between Active Directory domains in the same or in different forests.
This package ships with 10 support incidents. Additional support incidents can be obtained in quantities of 1, 5 or as negotiated.
Prices include free updates/upgrades to future versions and 2 years of warranty.
Note: Please provide the licensee's company name or individual name when ordering.