In the video CopyRight2 is installed on a Windows server that is configured as a domain controller and file server.
The computer scan is setup to gather data in CSV text format. It will collect information about file shares, file share permissions, files, folders, NTFS permissions, file version information, disk volumes, installed applications, installed Windows components, installed device drivers, device driver version information, installed services, service version information.
Because the scanned computer is an Active Directory domain controller, a separate LDAP scan job is set up, collecting information about OUs, users, contacts, computers, groups and group memberships.
A "Scan Import" job is defined, collecting the information of the "Computer Scan" and the "LDAP Scan" jobs. This job, will collect the gathered information and in case of a text based scan, store them in the "Data" folder located below the CopyRight2 installation folder.