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Monday, March 10, 2025

CopyRight2: Copy NTFS Files, Folders, Shares and Accounts

Easily migrate network shares, files, folders, NTFS permissions, groups and users (including passwords) from source to destination server or NAS appliance.

What is CopyRight2?

CopyRight2 lets you easily copy network file shares, files, folders, NTFS permissions, share permissions, groups and user accounts (including passwords) from source to destination server, NAS storage solution or the cloud.

The source and target systems can be domain members, domain controllers or configured for workgroup mode. It supports migrations within the same domain or across different domains, for example in case of mergers and acquisitions. The possibility to apply prefixes and suffixes to account names, facilitates server consolidations.

Based on the data and account migration features, its functionalities can be extended using Add-On modules included with the products license. The IIS FTP/HTTP Site Migration Add-on for example adds the ability to migrate Microsoft IIS sites and virtual directories including their configuration.

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Copyright2 Was Used Globally To Migrate More Than...

File Servers








Sys-Manage CopyRight2 is a horizontal market product, with a proven track record across many different industries and sectors.

It is being used by customers worldwide to securely, reliably and efficiently migrate their file servers, NAS storage solutions, Active Directory Domains, Microsoft Internet Servers and Distributed File Systems either on-premise or into the cloud.

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Data Migration

CopyRight2 is a reliant and high performance migration solution used by thousands of customers world-wide. It migrates your data, including file shares, users, groups and permissions. No matter what your specific migration scenario looks like.

Data Integrity

Validate the integrity of your valuable data by comparing a checksum (CRC-32) or a wide variety of hashes (MD4, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA2, SHA3) for each source and target file. Optionally create a report, in addition to the log file, comparing each file, folder and permission between source and and target.


CopyRight2 is optimized for the SMB protocol. To migrate over high latency and low bandwidth connections you can optionally use CopyRight2's block transfer protocol (similar to Rsync in Linux) replicating on a byte level. It uses data already existing on the target, to optimize the synchronization of files such as database or Outlook PSTfiles.

File Shares & NTFS Permissions

Besides data and accounts, CopyRight2 additionally migrates NTFS permissions, file shares and file share permissions between source and target systems.

Copy Engine

The data migration engine is based on a modern architecture using multi-threading and asynchronous I/O in order to maximize throughput.

Multi-Threaded Algorithm

The copy engine uses multi-threading for maximum performance and to saturate the network connection. You can adjust the number of threads in your copy job's settings.

Asynchronous I/O

Asynchronous I/O ensures that disk channels of RAID volumes are fully used by performing multiple read and write operations in parallel.

Optional Bandwidth Limit

Optionally limit the bandwidth used by the data transfer, for example if performing a pre-cut-over copy, while users are still working.

Migration Strategies

Possible migration strategies range from a classic delta copy method over continuous replication, eliminating down-time usually required for the final copy, to the ability of performing an offline migration, where source and target system are not connected at all.

Delta Copy Method

Perform an initial pre-copy, while users are still working to reduce the time frame needed for the final copy. The final copy will be performed right before cutting over to the new system to migrate the delta only, skipping any files and folders that were not changed.

Continuous Replication

Eliminate the time frame needed for the final copy by using continuous replication. Pause & resume the replication at any time. When resuming, it does not traverse the entire directory tree to detect which files have been added, changed or were deleted. While the change queue counter shows zero, source and target are identical and the cut-over can be performed.

Offline Migrations

Perform migrations between systems that are not connected at all by using the integrated export / import feature. During an offline migration, information such as users, groups, memberships, file shares and permissions are exported into CSV files. You can make changes to those files before importing them on the target.

Migrate Share-By-Share With DFS

You can use Microsoft's Distributed File System (DFS) to perform share-by-share migrations. CopyRight2 can optionally update DFS entries referring to the original location of a migrated file share with the new location. It supports domain based or stand-alone DFS configurations (standard or configured as a cluster resource). CopyRight2 additionally supports the scenario where you move the DNS and NetBIOS names of the source file servers to your DFS configuration.

Migration of locked files

CopyRight2 optionally supports Windows volume shadow copy (VSS) feature. If enabled it will create a snapshot at the beginning of a data migration job's execution and use the snapshot as the source to evade locked files. Alternatively you can configure CopyRight2 to skip locked files and report any skipped files in the log file and the log file's footer section.

Migration of User and Group Accounts

Additionally CopyRight2 can migrate user and group accounts, required to migrate NTFS and share level permissions in-tact so you do not get the "Account Unknown" error along with the original SID the account had on the source system or the source domain.

Migrate Users and Groups

Migrate local and domain accounts including all properties and attributes between source and target systems. The Password Migration Add-On additionally allows the migration of user passwords.

Migrate from AGLP to AGDLP

Optionally switch from an AGLP RBAC model (Account Global -> server Local group -> Permission) to AGDLP (Account Global -> Domain Local group -> Permissions) by migrating server local accounts automatically to the domain.

Migrate from Workgroup to Domain Member

Migrate your source system configured for workgroup mode to a target system that is configured as a domain member for increased security and easier management.

Migrate Across Domain Boundaries

Easily migrate between systems that are members in different domains.

Migrate Accounts Automatically

Simply migrate accounts during the data migration. CopyRight2 will migrate all accounts that are either directly or indirectly referenced in permissions.

Migrate Accounts in a Two Step Approach

Optionally migrate in a two step approach. Migrate accounts first with a "User and Group Migration" job, followed by a "Data Migration" job copying data and permissions.

Active Directory Cross-Domain Account Migration

CopyRight2's account migration feature is not limited to server local accounts but can migrate Active Directory domain accounts as well. For example if migrating data from a system that is a member in domain A to another system that is a member in domain B. You can expect a performance of roughly 300-500 migrated Active Directory objects per minute, depending on the available network bandwidth and overall system performance.

AD Attribute Selection

Define the Active Directory attributes you want to migrate in your "Data Migration" or "User and Group Migration" job. CopyRight2 supports schema extensions for attributes that were added to your AD schema.

Transformation of AD Objects

Define short scriptlets to easily transform Active Directory attributes, for example to replace a string, such as the domain in the "email" attribute. The scriptlet, definable per object type, will get executed for each migrated object.

Migrate OU Hierarchy

Optionally migrate the OU hierarchy of the source Active Directory domain to the target domain. Alternatively define a target OU where you want CopyRight2 to migrate accounts to. If not defined AD objects will get created in the "Users" container by default.

Supported Object Types

CopyRight2 supports the migration of Active Directory users including passwords. It supports the migration of local, global and universal groups including their members. Additionally it supports the migration of distribution lists, contacts and OUs.

AD Object Security

Migrate objects including permissions defined in Active Directory to the target domain.

No Trust Needed

CopyRight2 does not require a trust relationship between source and target domain. It supports migrations between domains that reside in the same forest or across forest boundaries.

Consolidation Scenarios

CopyRight2 has features built-in facilitating consolidation scenarios where multiple source file servers or NAS systems get migrated to lower quantity of target systems. This enables a reduction in hardware, maintenance and software license costs.

Prefix/Suffix for Account Names

You can define a prefix or suffix per object type to prevent naming conflicts among user and group names. If a source group is for example called "Accounting" and you define a prefix "S01_" the resulting migrated group will be called "S01_Accounting".

Prefix/Suffix for Share Names

Just like the ability to define a prefix or a suffix for account names you can define one for file shares as well to generate unique file share names. If a file share on the source system is called "Marketing" and you define a prefix "S01_" the migrated file share will be called "S01_Marketing" on the target.

Migration of NTFS Permissions & Inheritance

CopyRight2 migrates NTFS permissions and inheritance by default. It migrates permissions (DACL), auditing information (SACL), the file/folder owner and additionally the group owner. The group owner is not visible in Windows explorer and used by the POSIX subsystem. You can configure a data migration job to optionally inherit permissions from the target folder's parent instead.


The DACL is the list of accounts having permissions for a file or folder.


The SACL is the list of accounts configured for auditing of a file or folder.


The owner of a file or folder is initially set to the account creating the object.


The default setting of a "Data Migration" job will preserve the inheritance of the specified source folder(s) on the target. If the source folder(s) had inheritance enabled, the copied target folder(s) will inherit NTFS permissions from their corresponding parent folders.

Enable or Disable

Optionally disable or enable inheritance for the target folder(s) in the copy job's settings to configure inheritance independently from the current inheritance settings of the specified source folder(s).

Convert Inherited
Into Explicit ACEs

If disabling inheritance in your copy job settings you can additionally convert any access control entries (ACEs) that were inherited from parent folders of the specified source folder(s) into explicit (not inherited) access control entries on the target.

Bypass NTFS Permissions

CopyRight2 can bypass NTFS permissions, for example if your source system has permissions configured restricting access to specific users or groups, preventing Administrators from accessing the data during the data migration.

Mapping Files

Mapping files can be used to perform changes to NTFS and share level permissions, either on-the-fly, during a data migration or in-place without moving the data. A mapping file is essentially a text file (CSV format) telling CopyRight2 which accounts you want to replace, specified either as account names or SIDs.


Re-Acl'ing allows to replace an account with another account in NTFS and share level permissions.


Add-Acl'ing allows to add an account with identical permissions to NTFS and share level permissions.


De-Acl'ing allows to remove an account from NTFS and share level permissions.

Migration of All File System Properties & Attributes

Migrate all properties & attributes of files and folders, including encryption, compression, time stamps, reparse points and hard links.

Migration of NTFS Compression & Encryption Attribute

CopyRight2 migrates the compression and encryption attributes by default. If files are encrypted, the program does not need to decrypt the data. User accounts, with the corresponding key, will be able to access their data after the migration the same way they did before the migration took place.

Support for Long Files Names and Deep Paths

CopyRight2 supports file and folder names of up to 255 and paths of up to 32,768 characters. Those are the technical limits imposed by Windows®. That means that running into some deep paths will not stop your migration from succeeding.

Preservation of Timestamps

CopyRight2 migrates the creation time, the last modification time and the last time accessed time stamps of files and folders.

Migration of NTFS Reparse Points

CopyRight2 migrates NTFS reparse points, sometimes referred to as junction points or symbolic links. You can control separately how to treat reparse points pointing outside or to the inside of folders specified as your source. If a reparse point, is referring to a folder that is part of the data migration job, it can update the location the reparse point points to accordingly.

Migration of NTFS Hardlinks

CopyRight2 can optionally migrate NTFS hardlinks. Hardlinks are for example used by Windows WinSxS folder to store the same DLLs under different names and paths.

Support for 3rd Party Archiving Solutions

CopyRight2 supports archiving solutions such as Veritas Enterprise Vault or Tivoli Storage Manager. Those archiving solutions usually replace files, based on rules that haven't been used for a specified time and replace them with reparse points that allows to transparently retrieve the data if needed from archive storage.

Used NTFS Compression on Your Old System?

CopyRight2 can optionally remove the compression attribute either on-the-fly, while migrating data or in-place without moving data. NTFS compression is often used if systems are running out of disk space to prevent a negative user experience. Removing it will ensure that the target systems, usually having enough disk space, perform at maximum speed.

Keep Original SIDs in NTFS and Share Permissions

This advanced feature is intended for some specific scenarios, such as a migration of accounts without a data migration taking place, by moving the physical disks or the SAN connection from source to target system.

Another scenario this feature is useful for, is the migration between two domains and you temporarily want to retain the ability to access data for both, users in the source domain and users already working in the target domain (co-existence scenario).

Migrate Accounts

Migrate user and group accounts to the target system and run a "Security & Attributes" job to add them with identical access rights in NTFS and share level permissions.

Switch Disk/SAN to new System

Next the disk or SAN connection gets moved to the new system. If anything goes wrong you could rollback by moving the disk/SAN connection back to the source system.

Clean-up Phase

Finally run a clean-up job to remove references to the old accounts by running another "Security & Attributes" job.

Windows User Profiles

Optionally migrate user profiles hosted on RDP servers or profiles of roaming users by enabling the corresponding option in the "User Environment" page of your job definition. If enabled and if migrating the folder containing the profiles to the target server, CopyRight2 will automatically update references to the source system with references to the target system. Additionally you can supply it with additional computer names or strings it should search and replace in HKCU. It will automatically update permissions set within HKCU to match the migrated user accounts and allow the user profile to get mounted after a user logs on.

Seamlessly migrate Windows user profiles located on workstations with our advanced Computer and Profile Migration feature. Now, you can centrally deploy and manage the entire process, streamlining your migration efforts. Gain complete control and flexibility with optional detection of profiles without corresponding user accounts in the target domain. Our tool alerts you to these profiles, giving you the choice to ignore them or migrate them ad-hoc, ensuring a smooth migration experience.

LNK Shortcuts

Update the location of LNK shortcuts and automatically replace references to the old system with references to the new system.

Most Recently Used Files (MRU)

Update the most recently used file lists of users and other registry locations referencing the source system's name to reflect the new system's name.

Persistent Network Connections

Update persistent network connections to reflect the new UNC path.

Exclusion / Inclusion Lists for Data and Accounts

Exclusion and inclusion lists allow you to either use a positive or a negative lists of files, folders or account to migrate. Additionally you can specify filters using any of the file and folders time stamps.

Include & Exclude Data and Accounts

You can use inclusion and exclusion lists to limit which data or accounts are getting migrated. You can include/exclude files and folders based on their name, path or file extension. You can specify paths of the source or the target system. Accounts can be filtered for based on their name.

Filter Files and Folders by Time Stamp

Additionally you can set-up a filter in your data migration job, to filter by creation time, last modification time or the last accessed time.

CSV Input File Support

You can use CSV files to control aspects of your migration, such as the source & target folders or the names of user and group accounts. This is useful if you want to integrate the migration process with other external processes and systems allowing them to dynamically control the migration.

Source & Target Folders

In addition to defining the source and target folders statically within your job definition, you can configure it to use a CSV file instead.

Accounts to Migrate

Just like the source and target folders, you can specify the names of user and group accounts you want to migrate in a CSV file.

Inclusion & Exclusion Lists

Instead of a static definition in the job configuration, the inclusion & exclusion lists can use CSV files as well.


You can run CopyRight2 interactively on the source, the target or a 3rd computer. It is integrated with Windows Task Scheduler, so you can schedule it to run in the background to synchronize the target at a specified interval. In case of larger scale migrations, with hundreds of systems to migrate, you can use CopyRight2's template based rollout planning feature to deploy, control and monitor the migration process from a central location. All features are accessible through CopyRight2's command line interface if you should prefer scripting.

Background Execution of Scheduled Jobs

Configure jobs to run scheduled at a specified interval and in the background when no one is logged on to the system.

Email Notifications and Event Log Reporting

Jobs can optionally send out notifications by email or report to the Windows® event log upon success or failure.

Rollout Planning

Use CopyRight2's template based rollout planning feature to centrally control and monitor larger scale migrations.


CopyRight2 is proven to scale well from a single server or NAS data migration to migration projects spanning hundreds of systems.

The rollout planning feature reduces efforts required to track progress by providing you with an overview and the ability to initiate and view the status of each system's migration from a central location. It has been used by customers for the migration of hundreds of servers and for Active Directory migration projects of domains having more than 60k users and 500k group objects.

Infrastructure Reporting Feature

Scan systems remotely and collect infrastructure information centrally. Gain insights about users, groups, group memberships, files, folders, file shares, file share permissions, disk usage, disk capacity, drivers, services, installed software and more. The data collected is useful to plan your migration project and for many other purposes, such as capacity and configuration management. You can schedule the inventory process to run at a specified interval just like any other CopyRight2 job.

CSV Text Format Export

Export the data in a text based format (CSV) and use tools like Microsoft Excel to analyze the data or import the data into 3rd party systems.

SQL-Server Database Support

Use SQL-Server to import the collected data into SQL tables, allowing you to process the data using SQL queries.

MS Reporting Services Support

Use Microsoft Reporting Server included with SQL-Server and CopyRight2's included reporting model and pre-defined reports. Define custom reports without any SQL knowledge.

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Wide Range of Supported Platforms

CopyRight2 supports all Microsoft operating systems beginning with Windows® 2000 up to Windows® 2025 (32-Bit and 64-Bit), Windows® cluster services and storage solutions such as NetApp®, EMC®, Hitachi® HNAS & HDI, Synology®, Nutanix®, Nasuni®, NetGear®, ReadyNAS, TrueNAS, FreeNAS and Linux. Additionally it supports Azure Storage accounts and Active Directory implementations running on Linux, for example Synology's Directory Server or Univention Corporate Server.

Windows® 2000 up to 2025

CopyRight2 is certified for Windows® 2000 Server through 2019 and supports Windows® Server 2022 & 2025, which Microsoft does not offer software certification for.

Windows® Cluster Services

It supports cluster services and will create cluster file share resources if migrating to a Windows® cluster.

NAS Storage Solutions

CopyRight2 supports NetApp®, EMC®, Hitachi®, Synology®, Nutanix®, Nasuni®, ReadyNAS®, TrueNAS® and other Linux Samba based solutions.

Windows 2019 Certification Logo
Windows 2016 Certification Logo
Windows 2012 Certification Logo
Windows 2008 Certification Logo
Windows 2003 Certification Logo
Windows 2000 Certification Logo

Included Add-on Modules

On the CopyRight2 download page you can find a variety of add-on modules extending its functionality. The add-ons are included with the product license and can be installed as needed.

  • Password
    Migration Add-On
    Migration Add-On
  • Azure Storage Account
    Migration Add-On
  • DFSR
    Migration Add-On
The password migration add-on adds functionality to CopyRight2 required to migrate user account passwords.


The IIS FTP/HTTP site migration add-on adds functionality to CopyRight2 to migrate IIS sites including site and virtual directory configuration between servers running Microsoft Internet Information Server.


The Azure storage account migration add-on adds functionality to CopyRight2 to migrate from Windows file servers or NAS systems to Azure storage accounts.


The DFSR migration add-on adds functionality to CopyRight2 to automatically setup Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) for your domain based DFS with a CopyRight2.


Professional Support

Sys-Manage will support you during your trial &  evaluation period, your project planning phase and the actual migration phase. Please do not hesitate to let us know in case of questions or suggestions.

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Customer Support

Customer Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You can find answers to the most frequently asked technical and licensing questions below. Please let us know in case of any remaining questions you may have and we will answer them as quickly as possible.

  • Technical
  • Licensing

Does it satisfy my migration's requirements?

To put it short. Yes. In more detail, it supports:
  • File server, Active Directory and IIS HTTP/FTP server migrations.
  • Migrations between systems configured for workgroup mode, as domain members or domain controllers and any possible combination of those, for example from a system configured for workgroup mode to a domain member.
  • Migrations within the same or across different domains, with/without trust relationships and with/without sidHistory.
  • Windows® servers (certified for Windows® 2000 up to Windows® 2019) and a wide variety of network attached storage (NAS) solutions, such as NetApp®, EMC®, Hitachi®, Synology®, Linux Samba and more as source and target.
  • Consolidations, for example a migration from 2 source systems onto 1 target system, including methods to resolve naming conflicts.
  • Windows® cluster services as source and/or target.
  • LAN/MAN/WAN migration scenarios.
  • Offline migrations, where source and target are not connected at all.
  • Large scale migration scenarios using the built-in rollout planning feature.
  • For MAN/WAN scenarios a block transfer mode, similar to Rsync, reusing existing data on the target if only a few bytes of a file changed, instead of copying the whole file again.
  • Share-by-share migrations while maintaining the UNC namespace, utilizing Windows® distributed file system (DFS).
  • A real-time synchronization feature reducing the timeframe needed for the cut-over to minutes. You can literally perform the migration during lunch break if needed.
  • An optional comparison report for files, folders and permissions to properly document the success of your migration.
  • ...

Can you guarantee a successful migration?

Yes, we can guarantee you a successful migration using CopyRight2. If we cannot resolve an issue within reasonable time, we can offer you a full refund. We resolve most issues the same day, within a few hours, but in more complicated cases, requiring QA tests, it can take up to 2 days.

Do I get full support for the trial version?

Yes, during trial you will receive the same level of dedicated support our paying customers do receive.

How is CopyRight2 Licensed?

There are 3 types of licenses:
  • The CopyRight2 Standard Edition is licensed per source and target system (server or NAS). Once a license is activated it cannot be moved to another system. Licenses of target systems can be re-used when those systems become the source of the next migration again. Prices include 2 years of warranty, free updates/upgrades and 24/7 support via email, telephone or Cisco WebEx / Zoom / Microsoft Teams. For example, if you want to migrate 2 source systems onto 1 target system, you would need 3 single licenses of CopyRight2 Standard Edition.
  • The CopyRight2 Midrange Edition has a one time fee for up to 50 activations per year and ships with 5 support cases.
  • The CopyRight2 Enterprise Edition has a one time fee for unlimited activations and ships with 10 support cases.

Additional support for the Midrange/Enterprise Editions can be purchased in our online store or from a reseller. Support cases opened because of a product defect, will not be deducted from your remaining incidents.

Are the Add-Ons included?

The product price includes the:
  • Password migration add-on, to migrate user accounts including passwords
  • IIS FTP/HTTP site migration add-on to migrate IIS sites including settings
  • DFSR add-on to setup DFSR (distributed file system replication) with CopyRight2
  • The Azure add-on, to migrate file shares to Azure storage accounts

Where can I buy it?

You can buy CopyRight2 either directly from our web store or by contacting one of our resellers.

CopyRight2 Licensing Models

There are three different perpetual (one time fee) license models available:

  • The CopyRight2 Standard Edition is a node locked license, including unlimited 24/7 support via telephone, email and chat (Cisco WebEx / Zoom / Microsoft Teams). Once a license for the Standard Edition is activated it cannot be moved to another node. You can re-use the licenses of your current target systems, when those become the source again of a future migration. For that future migration you would then only need additional licenses for the systems not yet having a license. There are single node licenses available as well for that purpose.
  • The CopyRight2 Mid-Range Edition, allowing up to 50 server or NAS activations per year. This license type separates license from support costs and includes 5 support incidents. Server/NAS activations expire after one year and move back to your pool of licenses, from where you can assign it to the same or different systems again. (*)
  • The CopyRight2 Enterprise Edition, allowing an unlimited number of server or NAS activations. This license type separates license from support costs as well and includes 10 support incidents. (*)
  • All Editions include a corresponding number of client licenses for the Computer and Profile Migration Feature.
(*) Additional support incidents and client licenses for the CopyRight2 Mid-Range and Enterprise Editions can be obtained from our online store or from a reseller as needed. Support incidents opened because of a product defect will not be deducted from your remaining support incidents.


  • Includes 5 support incidents
  • Up to 50 Server/NAS activations for data, Active Directory and IIS migrations per year
  • Up to 1,000 one-time-use Computer and Profile Migrations (extendable)
  • Includes all Add-Ons:
    Password Migration
    IIS Migration
    Azure Storage Account Migration
    DFSR Migration
  • Two years of warranty
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  • Unlimited 24/7 support
    (Telephone, Email, Chat)
  • Two Server/NAS activations for data, Active Directory and IIS migrations (Source & Target)
  • Up to 150 one-time-use Computer and Profile Migrations (per customer)
  • Includes all Add-Ons:
    Password Migration
    IIS Migration
    Azure Storage Account Migration
    DFSR Migration
  • Two years of warranty
Order Now


  • Includes 10 support incidents
  • Unlimited Server/NAS activations for data, Active Directory and IIS migrations
  • Up to 5,000 one-time-use Computer and Profile Migrations (extendable)
  • Includes all Add-Ons:
    Password Migration
    IIS Migration
    Azure Storage Account Migration
    DFSR Migration
  • Two years of warranty
Order Now

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